Yugamiru Cloud PRO

Yugamiru Cloud PRO

Yugamiru Cloud PRO Subscription Options

Yugamiru cloud is AI-powered physical functionality assessment web application.

You can easily assess posture and muscle balance and it provides highly persuasive advices and recommended exercises.

You can find more product information at Yugamiru cloud product site.

Device: iPad, Android tablet or PCs(browser)

Accessories: High preciision mat and marker belts(Optional)

Yugamiru Lite

Yugamiru Lite

Yugamiru Lite Subscription Options

Yugamira Cloud Lite

Yugamiru Cloud - Subscription Option

3 Months
Yugamiru Cloud Pro 3 months Subscription
6 Months
Yugamiru Cloud Pro 6 months Subscription
1 Year
Yugamiru Cloud Pro 1 Year Subscription
Yugamiru Cloud Pro Permanent Subsscription
2 Years
10% Discount($16000)
Yugamiru Cloud Pro 2 Year Subscription

For a greater license number, please enter in contact with our sales team

Discount code

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